See and download the results of your Innovote voting portal

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Press this to remove all users in your voting portal. This will also remove all existing votes and effectively reset the event.

Download results

Download the aggregated votes and list of votes by user as a spreadsheet.


Votes over time

The graph will show the number of votes over time.

The numbers show the total votes for your voting portal, the number of users who have given at least one vote and the number of subjects who have received at least one vote.

No. votes per user

The donut chart will show the distribution of votes per user. The green area is the maximum number of votes per user and for jury settings, all jury members should have given the same number of votes, therefore the graph should be completely green.

No. votes per startup

The donut chart will show the distribution of votes per subject. The green area is the maximum number of votes per subject. Same applies as above. If the chart is completely green then all subjects have received the same number of votes.

For audience voting the vote distribution (both donut charts) will almost never be completely green.


Total Average: Average value is calculated by first calculating the average per voting category and then the average of those average values. If a vote is not given by a user it is not treated as 0, but rather discarded completely.

Average - Standard Deviation: The standard deviation of the average values per voting category.

Votes: Number of votes given by users. Each user can give max 1 vote per subject (even if that vote contains multiple dimensions, it is counted only as 1 vote).

Voting Category: The average of all submitted votes in this category.

Voting Category - Standard Deviation: The associated standard deviation of those values.